Segmentation for success

Which customers are up for trying something new?
Where will new buyers come from, and what’s the potential?
Where should you focus your limited resources?
Segmentation can help.
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Market segmentation

Built on research unique to your surroundings, identify and size the segments in your market. Quantify market potential and align campaigns and products to the market.

Behavioural segmentation

Your organisational superpower. Rank & tag customers by recency, frequency and revenue. Identify loyalty prospects & lapsing risks. Match campaigns to targets, and track what buyers really do and don't do.


“The work Baker Richards undertook with their Patron Preference Analysis was amazing – it gave us the evidence and confidence based on what our audiences are willing to pay to make bold changes to our pricing strategy and we are nightly huddled over our dashboards looking at ever healthier red lines.”

Case study

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Exclusively for Tessitura Network members

Recent market and behavioural segmentation clients include



"...our value for money, visitor experience and net promoter scores also all increased, indicating that not only have we welcomed more people, but they’ve had an even better time"

Case study and Podcast

Watch: Segmentation for Fundraising

From our series of recovery webinars released at the height of the pandemic, members of the Baker Richards team offer practical suggestions for behavioural segmentation in fundraising.