Associate Consultant
Anna joined Baker Richards in 2022 after working as a researcher at the University of Edinburgh on a number of studies sponsored by Creative Industries Policy & Evidence Centre (PEC) led by Nesta. These projects looked at the origins of the Edinburgh Festival ecosystem, brokerage strategies for building cross-cultural relations through the arts, and class identities amongst creative practitioners.
In addition to her research experience, Anna has been managing film festivals and events at CinemaAttic, an independent Ibero-American cinema collective based in Edinburgh. Before taking up this position in 2019, she had provided Front-of-House support across several Edinburgh festivals to inform her dissertation on festival audience development.
In her role as Associate Consultant at Baker Richards, Anna supports clients across various projects as well as through retainer relationships. She undertakes desk research, data coding and analysis to identify opportunities and inform strategic and operational recommendations for clients.
Outside of work, Anna enjoys photography and may often be spotted chasing sunsets on one of Edinburgh’s multiple hills.